2/19/2020 Comments The God Delusion - Richard DawkinsAs a part of my personal journey through my faith I decided to force myself to read what some have referred to as "the atheist bible": The God Delusion. I had attempted to read Dawkins' book once before, about a year and a half ago and had given up shortly after the introduction. I felt that the tone of the book was condescending to the point of being exhausting and didn't feel like being yelled at by someone who claimed to want to change people's minds. Upon picking the book back up about a month ago I was initially struck by the same feeling, but pushed through. It got better eventually. Most of the chapters are full of interesting information, and the content sometimes even made me laugh aloud. Occasionally Dawkins returned to condescension, and even made arguments about Christianity that I found ill-informed at best, but ultimately I was glad I'd read it. If you can get past the ego that seems to expand outward from every chapter, the earliest ones in particular, it's a good book, and it made some points that have stuck with me, fueling my desire to better understand what it is I've spent my whole life believing.