6/21/19 Backpacking through Thailand. Sipping espresso outside a Parisian café. Snorkeling through schools of fish above brightly colored coral. All of these experiences and more leave us drooling over our Instagram feeds and wishing we were rich travel bloggers instead of super poor college students. But fear not - you can still see the world on a meager budget, it just takes a little research! read more
6/13/19 Ah, retail. Up there with fast-food work, retail is one of the young-adult career classics. Getting you out into the world of sore feet and sales, these jobs prepare you for the best and worst that adulthood has to offer. read more
5/28/19 When it comes to job hunting it seems like there are two extremes: 1. Applying for any and every job that could keep you from being starving and homeless. 2. Applying for no jobs because you're not sure if any of them are what you really want. If you're in the second box, I'm here to help you out. Here are six signs that this job is worth submitting a resume for. read more
5/14/19 Stresses are high, late nights are rampant, and the end is just out of reach. It's finals season. With classes and life pulling you in a thousand directions at all times of the day, quick fixes seem like the right answer to common problems like transportation, hunger, energy, sleep, etc. read more
4/30/19 College is expensive. It's no secret that for many of us, college debt will be the single largest repayment plan we face, next to a mortgage (if we ever have one). But tuition and housing expenses aren't the only thing you have to worry about while pursuing higher education. read more
4/11/19 Gift giving can be tricky, especially if you know someone with particularly singular interests. But if the only thing you've heard out of their mouth is "winter is coming," we've got some gift ideas for you. With season eight starting in a few days, it’s easy to get excited about the show. Here’s a list of items a true GoT fan will love. read more
4/9/19 Preparing for college can be a long process, sometimes starting as early as middle school, and for people looking to save some cash and get ahead in college, AP and CLEP exams tend to stand out as a great option. While AP tests are pretty widely known, I wanted to help provide some clarification on what sets these two specific tests apart. read more
4/9/19 So, you've spent your summer in the perfect internship. You've made great connections, learned useful life skills, and maybe even snagged a few credits to put towards your degree. Now you've only got a couple weeks left. You may be wondering, "Have I made the most of this?" read more
4/1/19 With sites like eBay, Society6, Etsy, and more, the American dream is as alive and well as ever, spawning a new generation of relentlessly entrepreneurial men and women. Whether you want to open a restaurant or start selling your sketches online for a quick buck, there are a few questions you should ask yourself first: read more
12/10/18 It doesn't matter how broke you are, come Christmas, we all want to give back to our friends and family any way we can. But how can we get a meaningful gift under the tree without breaking the bank? Here are a few ideas for making your holiday shopping both more frugal and more personal. read more
12/7/18 You have spent your whole life dreaming of that one campus. You know which one I'm talking about. Maybe your parents went before you. Maybe the prestige of it has beckoned you for years. Maybe you just happened across a pamphlet five years ago and have had your heart set ever since. Whatever the reason is, you're sure this is the school you want to go to. And you don't want to wait one more day before finding out if they want you to. read more
11/20/18 Thanksgiving Break may be the most underrated break in the history of collegiate relaxation. We spend forever planning activities and trips for summer and winter breaks, but Thanksgiving Break tends to just whiz by. I see no reason to waste a few precious free days, especially when those free breaks are a reprieve from mountains of work at the end of the term. read more
11/19/18 Some of you may remember watching generic cartoons about the "first thanksgiving" (which may or may not have been accurate), and thinking you knew all there was to know about Turkey Day (or, as I call it, Day-Before-Christmas-Tree Day). But do you really? read more
11/7/18 Depending on where you live, taking a gap year (usually a year off between high school and college) could be anything from taboo to expected. Whether you're currently planning one or just curious about whether or not a gap year could be a good option for you, here are a few things you'll want to think about before moving on to the next steps. read more
10/31/18 While you should definitely base your college decisions on how well they fit you, your goals, your major, and your budget, it doesn't hurt to look into the more fun aspects of individual campuses too! Every university has its own traditions and events throughout the year, including some sweet parties as autumn rolls in. Here are some of the biggest college Halloween events that can be found around the U.S. read more
10/10/18 Whether we're talking about friendships, courtships, marriages, or relationships with family members, we've all had, or eventually will have, a toxic relationship. If they weren't hard enough in and of themselves, what makes a toxic relationship even harder is that we oftentimes don't know how to deal with them. That's why I'm here. read more
10/4/18 Whether you're just starting in your high school's JV team, or you've already received a scholarship offer from a university, it's important to know ahead of time what the pros and cons of playing college sports really are, so let's dive in. read more
5/14/18 At the end of every interview, we’re all asked the same thing: "Do you have any questions for me?" Most of us draw a blank at this point. Do we? Should we have some? It's overwhelming and nerve-wracking to suddenly be put on the spot like that. Luckily, you don't have to spend hours doing research on a company to have enough good questions to blow your future employer’s mind. read more
4/16/18 If there's any budgeting tip that we've all heard a million and one times it's that cutting back on your coffee habit can save you hundreds of dollars a year. And while you could drastically increase your savings by avoiding Starbucks (and other coffee shops) and making your own coffee, for some people home-brewed coffee just doesn't quite hit the spot. read more
4/9/18 So, you've gone through the interview, and you've smashed it (naturally). You answered every question with ease and asked all of the right ones in return. Now you're staring a job offer in the eyes, but before you say, "I do," here are four questions you should always ask. read more
3/30/18 We all know the feeling: that urge to just get away. To see new things. To have new experiences. That itch that makes you just want to hit the pavement and run until you end up somewhere far away from where you are now. Unfortunately, most of us are operating on what some might call a "college budget" and don't have the luxury of going on a spontaneous flight to a Greek island in the fashion of so many Instagram bloggers. read more
3/15/18 s we roll into March the air is a-buzz with expectation: spring is right around the corner and with it comes tulips, budding trees, longer days, and - of course - St. Patrick's Day. Despite growing up in fairly Irish family, I had limited knowledge of why we celebrated Saint Patty's, so this spring I've decided to do a little digging, and I'm here to share the fruits of my labor with all of you! read more
2/7/18 The fact of the matter is that to get in shape you need to exercise. But for a lot of us, more traditional forms of exercise (running, lifting, 100 push-ups, etc.) just don't seem like they’re quite worth it. Sure, it'll all help us get in shape. It'll also make us want to set things on fire. read more
1/31/18 One of the most intimidating parts of having a real "adult" job is figuring out how to make more money while you're at it. We all know that asking for a raise is a classic part of this journey, but we also know that it’s hardly that simple. In an effort to make the process a little easier for you when the time comes, I'm here to give you the tools to prepare for that inevitable event. read more
1/24/18 It doesn't matter what your major is - we all could do with a little financial aid. But sometimes finding a scholarship that's right for you can be difficult, especially if you're majoring in anything artistic. Luckily, with a little digging, you can find quite a few good ones. read more
1/18/18 If there's one clothing item that’s an absolute must-have in the winter time, it's the scarf. Not only do they keep us insulated and warm and soothe our throats (gotta love that bitter cold air), they're also an incredibly fashionable addition to any outfit, with a coat or without. read more
12/4/17 As an engineering major, you already know that you're in for some big paychecks, but which jobs guarantee the biggest ones? Find out below! read more
11/2/17 If you want to be a professional artist, you've probably heard that pursuing a degree in art is a waste of money. While we all know that that's not true, it doesn't change the fact that art school can be pricey. Scholarships for art majors can make a big dent in your costs, and quiet those who think you’re pursuing a pointless passion. read more
11/1/17 We could all do with a little less stress in our lives, but for college students and high schoolers the stress levels are especially high. With November 1st being National Stress Awareness Day, I'd say it's a perfect opportunity to talk about it. read more
10/18/17 If someone asks you why you're going to college and you say "to learn," I'm calling you out right now. In this day and age of readily available, free information at the press of a button, you don't need to pay someone thousands of dollars every few months just to learn about something. You don't have to pay anyone anything to do that. read more
10/11/17 The appeal of in-state tuition is only rivaled by that of an out-of-state college. How unfortunate, then, that you can only have one or the other. Or at least that’s what you might have been led to believe. Luckily for you, I didn’t believe that nonsense, and decided to find out just what it would take to get the best of both worlds. read more
9/12/17 Navigating an interview is already hard enough without stumbling over one of the most classic pitfalls in any interview: saying the wrong thing. It's easier than you think to start building a wall of doubt between you and the interviewer, so we've put together a list of the most common off-limits words to keep you on track for landing that dream job, whatever it may be. read more
9/5/17 If you've ever told anyone that you're majoring in English, chances are you've heard something along the lines of, "so, you want to be a teacher?" And if you tell them "no," you're promptly met by an empty stare that clearly means, “then how are you going to make money????" read more
8/14/17 Sometimes things don't go as planned. Maybe it's cliché, but it's true: every so often something falls through, and whatever big plan you thought you had is turned on its head. It’s scary and jarring, but suddenly, you have to start over. read more
8/9/17 One of the many ways to broaden the scope of your learning in college is to get involved in the plethora of clubs that can be found on any campus. However, some of these clubs might not offer the experience you’re looking for. Here is a list of some of the most controversial clubs in recent years. read more
7/31/17 People have been drilling the three weeks that habit forming takes into your brain for probably as long as you've known that bad habits exist. You know the timeline. But how to you actually change the habit itself? It's not as hard as you might think. read more
6/28/17 I'm not saying that college classes are boring, but honestly, sometimes they can be a little hard to relate to. There's always that one class that leaves you asking yourself, "Why would I care?" Enter the amazing world of modern college, where you can take classes on your favorite TV shows and book series and get actual credit for it! read more
6/14/17 Let's face it: while we all know that dropping out of college can be a shot in the dark, there are some people whose risky decision definitely played out in their favor! read more
6/14/17 Even if we’re not quite sure what they are yet, we all have career goals, and sometimes it can be hard to see the clear path to where you want to be. When you're still in college, or fresh out of it, finding direction is difficult, and landing that dream job is even harder. read more
6/1/17 Let's get real: trying to choose between that extra 30 minutes of sleep and looking your best can be one of the hardest decisions you have to make...especially if you're making it when your 6 a.m. alarm goes off and the snooze button is looking oh-so-lovely. Luckily, there are a few super simple hacks that can give you the best of both worlds! read more
3/16/17 College is expensive enough on its own, and once you add in books and supplies, you quickly realize that you're in over your head! Luckily, most major tech companies offer discounts to help save you at least a few of your precious pennies. With the discounts below, you might be able to finally mix some veggies into your evening ramen… read more
2/21/17 It's easy to find information on what questions you'll be asked at an interview and how precisely you should answer them, but what about questions you shouldn't answer? I know, it sounds a little crazy - I mean, it's an interview for a job! Shouldn't you answer everything they ask? And, for the most part, the answer is yes. read more
2/21/17 Unless you have the ability to indiscriminately throw money at your school of choice, the cost of tuition and fees can have a huge impact on your college options, especially if you're looking into getting your degree at an out-of-state school. To make things a little easier, I've compiled two lists, both with the help of US News, for you. read more
1/30/17 Just because you’re not spending time with an SO this Valentine’s Day doesn't mean you shouldn't have awesome plans. In the words of Leslie Knope, it is Galentine's Day, too - so gather up your closest friends, grab some snacks - and a box of tissues - and enjoy a few super cheesy chick flicks! Any will do, but just to get you started, here are a few of my favorites: read more
1/30/17 Getting ready for an interview can be extremely stressful, but, luckily for us, most interviews follow the same basic structure, and almost every employer will ask at least some of the same questions. By preparing for these standard questions, you'll have a leg up at any interview, no matter what job you're going for! read more
1/17/17 So, you've just waded your way through another job interview and you come to the fateful, final, question. Do you have any questions? I know that you want to say no. We all do, but please don't. read more
12/20/16 We all know that winter is the most hectic time of the year. Between finals, the holidays, and the start of a new semester, it can feel like you're constantly on the go. Here are six simple ways to relax during these chaotic months: read more
11/22/16 No matter what holidays you and your family celebrate in the last two months of the year, it is basically guaranteed that every single one of them involves copious amounts of food. Good food. Comfort food on steroids. read more
11/9/16 Tis the season. Of what, you might ask? Well, the title of this article might be a dead giveaway. Because, before you can go home and enjoy the merriment of the holidays, you first get to deal with the effervescent joy that is finals. And, for quite a few people, the holidays are also time for seasonal depression to set in. read more
11/4/16 Sometimes, when you’re just getting started in the workforce, it can be hard to know what you should and shouldn’t say in a professional setting. While we’re all guaranteed to slip up a few times here and there, this list should help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls. read more
9/15/16 Sometimes, no matter how much you want it or need it, getting the motivation to get that booty moving can be nearly impossible. Here are a few tips and tricks to get you going anyway: read more
8/29/16 “Gap year.” The dreaded phrase. Some people are dead set on making you believe that a gap year is the ultimate procrastination, setting your academic and professional career back, ruining your resume, and, quite possibly, landing you a job in the pooper-scooper industry. read more
8/23/16 Growing up, you were always told to follow your dreams. That you could become anything you wanted. But, as we grew older, more and more people started saying something very different. read more
8/15/16 One of the hardest parts of being an introvert is surely walking that line between wanting to be alone, and not wanting to feel lonely. For a lot of introverts, the hardest part of creating those desired connections is actually getting in a position to make them, and opening your mouth at all. read more
8/8/16 Relationships are known for having stages: the honeymoon phase, the phase where you hate each other constantly, and then the phase after that, where things are steady. You know how to work with each other, and fights tend to be about smaller things, like dishes, instead of "WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS UGH." read more
7/25/16 So, you've finally made the decision: you want to get a tattoo. But you're not entirely sure what steps to take, or how to prepare. Well, today is your lucky day, because I have four key tips to ensure smooth sailing on your journey to permanent body decor! read more
7/5/16 Summer. Unless you're blessed enough to live somewhere where winter doesn't exist (or if it does, "winter" simply means less than 75 degrees) summer equals pool and beach season. And, as functioning members of a modern society, we get to once again face the age-old question: what is a bikini body? read more
6/28/16 Living off of a dining hall diet can have a lot of repercussions on your health. It's often easiest and cheapest to get ahold of unhealthy meals full of empty calories, but this isn't how it has to be! read more
5/31/16 In relationships, it's easy to get so caught up in the idea of "us" that sometimes one (or both) parties misplaces important pieces of who they were before. While relationships naturally bring about personal change, that doesn't mean you have to set aside your core identity. read more
5/24/16 Dating in college is rough, and going on dates on a college budget is even harder, which is why I'm here to tip you off on a few fun date ideas that won't ax your account. read more
5/2/16 One of the most important components of an effective workout is what you eat before, during, and after you hit the weights and cardio machines. read more
4/26/16 We all knew them: the kids who walked around high school lugging their AP textbooks and who seemed to think that their college-level classes needed to be involved in every conversation. "Yeah, I love lunch — speaking of, I learned in AP US History that in 1837..." read more
4/19/16 We all know the importance of staying healthy. We've seen the documentaries, public service announcements, and the commercials. Social media is constantly buzzing with all the new diet and exercise fads. read more
4/11/16 If you have any sort of parental figure in your life then you'll be able to relate to today’s topic: not living up to your family's expectations. While I'll mostly refer to parents, this could be anyone from your sibling to your great aunt overseas. We can all relate to the struggle of finding balance between what your family wants, what you want, what you’re capable of, and what you actually do. read more
4/5/16 Among the many terrifying and worrisome ailments associated with your first year of college is the (at first seemingly mythical) Freshman Fifteen. You'll hear people old and young discuss the labors of ridding themselves of the extra sizes brought about by mid-day energy boosters and late night pizzas. read more
4/5/16 Living with your significant other (SO) is bound to be trying at times, especially as a young adult, when everything else may be especially unsure and money often tight. The issues can range anywhere from who was supposed to take out the trash, to arguments about family members, and the relationship itself. read more
3/30/16 Any young adult, whether they’re in college or not, can testify to how incredibly expensive groceries, or food in general, are compared to when they were younger. Now, of course nothing has changed, but suddenly your meager income is paying for things much more expensive than doughnuts every day. read more
3/30/16 Whoever thought of the phrase ‘out of the frying pan and into the fire’ was definitely onto something. Especially when you’re fresh out of high school and heading into your freshman year of college. No matter how hard you prepare yourself for college, with studying, reading books written by students, subscribing to blogs, taking college-level classes while still in high school, etc., nothing prepares you for the reality that is your first year of college. read more