yogiapproved | 6/18/18 So you want to know how to live longer? Who doesn’t?! Our lifestyle plays a huge role in our health and ultimately our life span. That’s why leading a healthy, natural lifestyle is so important, especially as we get older. read more
CampusLife | 2/7/18 The fact of the matter is that to get in shape you need to exercise. But for a lot of us, more traditional forms of exercise (running, lifting, 100 push-ups, etc.) just don't seem like they’re quite worth it. Sure, it'll all help us get in shape. It'll also make us want to set things on fire. read more
CampusLife | 11/22/16 No matter what holidays you and your family celebrate in the last two months of the year, it is basically guaranteed that every single one of them involves copious amounts of food. Good Food. read more
yogiapproved | 8/5/16 It’s easy to get so caught up in family and work that we often forget to take care of ourselves, or we put ourselves last on our list of to-do’s and priorities. read more
yogiapproved | 7/17/16 In our modern age of technology, our smart devices continue to gain intelligence . . . but what about our activewear? read more
CampusLife | 7/5/16 Unless you're blessed enough to live somewhere where winter doesn't exist (or if it does, "winter" simply means less than 75 degrees) summer equals pool and beach season. And, as functioning members of a modern society, we get to once again face the age-old questions: what is a bikini body? read more
CampusLife | 6/28/16 Living off of a dining hall diet can have a lot of repercussions on your health. It's often easiest and cheapest to get ahold of unhealthy meals full of empty calories, but this isn't how it has to be! read more
CampusLife | 5/2/16 One of the most important components of an effective workout is what you eat before, during, and after you hit the weights and cardio machines. read more
CampusLife | 4/19/16 We all know the importance of staying healthy. We've seen the documentaries, public service announcements, and the commercials. read more
CampusLife | 4/5/16 Among the many terrifying and worrisome ailments associated with your first year of college is the (at first seemingly mythical) Freshman Fifteen. You'll hear people old and young discuss the labors of ridding themselves of the extra sizes brought about by mid-day energy boosters and late night pizzas. read more
CampusLife | 3/30/16 Any young adult, whether they’re in college or not, can testify to how incredibly expensive groceries, or food in general, are compared to when they were younger. read more