2/20/2020 Comments Freelancing - A LullOne of my goals for the year was to expand my freelancing portfolio, both by working with new companies and by getting enough pieces published to hit triple digits. While the year ended on a bang, with a new article being published as well as another article being selected to be transformed into a video essay, the new year has not been nearly so promising. Almost immediately after the start of the new year I had a couple pitches shot down by a new editor from a business I write for occasionally. It was a weird experience, having never been rejected by them before. I wish I could say that I took the rejections in stride, and sent out a new proposal as soon as I could. But that's not what happened.
I was already feeling kind of down and more than a little overwhelmed trying to figure out my next steps with my lease ending here in two months, and honestly, after the second pitch was unsuccessful I stepped back. I haven't sent a single pitch (and it's not like I have none, I have a list of article ideas for this company!) since then. I have't looked into additional companies or anything. Even more embarrassing, I received a message on LinkedIn from a company not too far from me inviting me to send in my resume as they were looking for freelance contributors. I still haven't replied to that either. So, it's not that I'm unsuccessful. Or that I've hit any real wall. Really, I am the only thing standing between me and my goal for the year. I know I'm not the only one who feels the urge to retreat after rejection, and I'm hoping that by being honest about where I've been, it'll help combat the shame I've been feeling on top of everything else. Hopefully I have a better update soon!